Our Board and Senior Staff are committed to working together with individuals and communities across Australia to create a shared approach to promoting mental wellbeing and preventing mental health conditions.
Senior Staff
Suzanne Dick is an experienced executive leader with a commitment to innovation and reform, and a registered psychologist with over twenty years clinical and operational experience across all areas of mental health. With a comprehensive understanding of the existing challenges and opportunities within the mental health ecosystem and a wealth of knowledge in service innovation, commissioning, research and evaluation, Suzanne is of the view that we must focus on prevention and mental health promotion to improve the wellbeing of current and future generations.
With expertise in partnering with Government, service delivery and community organisations, Suzanne is committed to ensuring that systems are working well to meet the needs of the communities they serve, with an explicit focus on promoting mental wellbeing and preventing mental health conditions.
Pat O’Leary BA, MPubPol&Mgt, Grad Dip Sport Bus, is a mental health operations and service development professional with over three decades experience in the primary and specialist mental health sectors. Pat is currently the Deputy CEO at the Youth Support and Advocacy Service (YSAS).
Pat has previously worked extensively in service development roles beginning in the 1990’s with the decommissioning and rebuilding of the Victorian Mental Health Service System; for five years on building the National headspace network including the commissioning of over 60 centres; and most recently with Beyond Blue on the National rollout of ‘The Way Back’, an aftercare service for people who have attempted suicide.
Operationally, Pat has previously managed the Child and Youth Mental Health Service at Austin Health, the Community Mental Health Service at the RCH. Pat also had significant early career experience in the Youth Justice and Homeless service systems, and for three years managed the Community Infrastructure Unit at Sport and Recreation Victoria.
Pat understands the impact that mental health conditions have on people’s lives, and can see the enormous potential that effective prevention strategies can have on reducing distress and hardship. He looks forward to contributing to the Prevention United mission.
Dr Stephen Carbone is the Founder and CEO of Prevention United. Stephen has extensive clinical experience in mental health having worked as a general practitioner in Melbourne’s west and northwest suburbs and as a medical officer in Victoria’s specialist mental health services. Stephen also has experience in mental health policy and program and service development having held senior roles in the Victorian Department of Health, headspace, and Beyond Blue.
Stephen is keen to promote the importance of combining a focus on mental health promotion efforts that promote mental wellbeing and prevent mental health conditions, with efforts to enhance mental healthcare services for people living with these conditions.
Stephen will draw on his extensive personal and professional experience in mental health to guide the vision of Prevention United.
Mrs Carolyn Nikoloski BPsycSci (Hons), MPH, MPubPol&Mgt, is a mental health policy specialist, who is committed to improving mental health and reducing social disadvantage.
Carolyn has extensive experience working across government and non-government organisations, including the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Australian General Practice Network, Beyond Blue and Good Shepherd Microfinance. Carolyn led Beyond Blue’s policy reform agenda, which influenced the establishment of low intensity mental health services across the country, and the routine provision of follow-up care for people who have attempted suicide.
Carolyn hopes Prevention United will shift the environments that we live in, to better promote mental health and prevent mental health conditions.
Heidi Reid BBus (Marketing), is a communications and engagement specialist who has worked with some of Australia’s largest social impact organisations, developing award-winning initiatives to drive growth and impact. Heidi is passionate about understanding the needs and values of key audiences and stakeholders, and developing brands, stories and experiences that move people, and motivate them to take action.
She is excited to be working with the highly skilled and experienced Prevention United team in expanding awareness and action around the essential role that the prevention of mental health conditions needs to play in our communities.