We host regular webinars on a range of topics related to mental health and wellbeing, the prevention of mental health conditions, and related issues.
If you would like to request a webinar on a particular topic, please contact us.
Current series
Coming soon...
Previous series
April to June 2021 - Building Connections, Building Connectedness – Promoting Mental Wellbeing
As Australia enters the early recovery phase from the COVID-19 pandemic, this webinar series will focus on how social determinants like education, income, employment and housing influence our mental health and wellbeing, and how we can do things differently in a post COVID-19 world to achieve better mental health outcomes for the entire Australian community.
November 2020 - Coming out of COVID
As Australia enters the early recovery phase from the COVID-19 pandemic, this webinar series will focus on how social determinants like education, income, employment and housing influence our mental health and wellbeing, and how we can do things differently in a post COVID-19 world to achieve better mental health outcomes for the entire Australian community.
July to September 2020 - The keys to prevention in mental health
This webinar series looks at ways Australia can unlock the potential of prevention in mental health by examining how mental healthcare workers can apply their existing skills and expertise to helping people to stay mentally well, as well as continuing to provide support to people living with a mental health condition and their families and carers.
April to June 2020 - Flattening the curve of mental ill-health
These sessions provide a range of expert views on the mental health and wellbeing impacts of coronavirus and discuss important ways that these impacts can be reduced through evidence-based promotion and prevention programs in the months and years ahead.